
5 Ways of Increasing Visitor Loyalty to Blog Monetizing

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Zaenal "Abis" Abidin - Even when your visitors are interested to your product and service offerings, they will rarely buy on the first visit to your website. You might as well monetize your site through this such as through pay per click advertisements. Your website may succeed in this area more compared to creating sales opportunities.

Pay per click advertising is actually the gray area between those visitors who leave your website immediately and those who visit your website on a daily basis. Here’s a fact: a visitor may find your website useful, but it is not useful enough to him/her to return. How can you keep these visitors coming back to your website? Here’s how you can retain these visitors, building loyalty in the process.

1) Keep a focus

Unfocused websites are confusing especially for those first time visitors. You’ll know that your website is unfocused when there are too much information for the visitors to comprehend. More likely, these first time visitors will leave your site — they will never come back for sure. The longest time that they will linger on your site is 8 seconds. Definitely, you won’t be able to capture these visitors as potential leads.

On the other hand, you can build loyalty when your website is focused enough to discern its contents. You may use helpful categories and sub-categories. Of course, you should also use simple navigation tools. For instance, if the website is about home décors and do-it-yourself crafts, you may split the contents into two categories or two pages. This helps in retaining visitors as well as in analyzing what they like by determining which page receives more visitors. Do more of these topics.

2) Ease of use

Even if your website is well-focused, you won’t be able to build loyalty if the site is not user-friendly. User-friendliness directly translates to easiness of use and navigation. The website must be intuitive especially for first time visitors. Intuitive means that your website has navigation tools that help the users to explore the entire website easily. There must be no barely-visible sidebars and hidden drop-down menus. These can turn visitors away. Also, make sure that the contents are easy to find.

3) Offer interaction

Different types of interactivity can also build loyalty. An example of such is a comment section below the contents. Other more powerful examples are message boards and forums. You might want to offer these interactivities sporadically like email newsletters. These can also bring good traffic to your website. A contact form must be embedded on the newsletter, for instance, so the visitors who want to make an inquiry or comment may reach you.

4) Create fresh content

The website must be regularly updated. If you have a blog and its last post is dated 2011, it’s a straightforward sign that you have nothing relevant to say. This affects the decision of the visitors to stay or leave the site. For instance, your blog have lots of great information, but if the visitors have read all of them, what’s the use of returning to your website. Thus, ensure that the blog is updated so visitors will find the motivation to visit your website again and again.

5) Create quality content

Again, it is not enough that the contents are fresh. It should be informative, and as much as possible, error-free in terms of grammar and typo. Make sure that you edit your contents and that you mean everything that’s written. Also, you should take good care of the imagery. The images must be sharp and consistent. It is these small accomplishments that impress the visitors. They’ll likely to return to your site when they know that it contains relevant information and images.

You must strive at building loyal visitors. Not only they keep coming back to your websites, but they also have more opportunities of interacting with the brand and purchase the products and services. Of course, they can also view the advertisements you display on your web pages. With the key points above, there is no reason why your visitors will not come back every so often. Needless to say, you can turn these loyal visitors into a high quality traffic.

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